My Midnight Sunshine

Tonight, I’m thinking of us taking that under the skylight type of walk. Our fingers intertwined and your arm
around my petite waist. One step at a time, feeling each other’s breaths, till we get to that special spot. You make me comfortable before sitting and wrapping me around your arms, so close that I can feel your heartbeat. It’s just us and the sky. Forehead kisses and deep eye staring. With nothing written in them but love.
I feel so at peace lying on your chest. And as the wind rushes, so do you hold me tighter. It feels so safe and so peaceful and so one in a million type of happy.
But then, I’m in tears. Channeled by the endless thoughts rushing in my mind.
I can’t stop thinking of what I put you through for I ain’t the easiest woman to love. I have this habit of overthinking and tend to react more than I should and get insecure once in a while. I am needy of your attention and I want all your time and I need a lot of reassurance. If anything, I know I’m everything you wouldn’t want in your forever person.
I ain’t capable of fully trusting you and at times I don’t know when to stop fighting with you even when I’m wrong and even pushing you away when my insecurities deceive me that you’ll hurt me.
I know that loving me stresses you out, loving me makes you angry, loving me breaks your heart at times, loving me tests you, challenges you and loving me changes you too.
Being with me gets so demanding that it tempts you to want to walk away, it gets so hard that you feel like giving up and at times so complicated that you don’t want to deal with me anymore.
But, you are patient with me, patient enough to see me at my worst and vulnerable. You are so strong to still hold my hand despite it and understanding enough to accept why i am the way I am today.

My Midnight Sunshine,
I know it ain’t easy loving me. But I promise you this, that I will love you so passionately that you will forget what life was before I came along. I promise you my loyalty, my honesty ,my support , my everything. I’ll be here to always put your heart back together when I shutter it. I know I’m not good at being loved, but trust me, I will love you with every ounce of my being.
On nights like this, it’s you I wanna look at and smile. I know you’ll wipe my tears and hold me tighter. Kiss the back of my hand and whisper in my ears that you love me.
I call you my Midnight Sunshine, cause you light up that which is dark inside me. You are the brightest Ray of light that ever struck my heart. I know we ain’t perfect, but we are damn close! And that is something I’m grateful for.
Today and forever, it’s you I’ll always Love and adore, my LyonKing 🧡


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